Feb. 27, 2021

Episode 148 - Minari, Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar, The New vxDEDvx, A new Superman Reboot, and More

Episode 148 - Minari, Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar, The New vxDEDvx, A new Superman Reboot, and More

Special Guests: Rob Forrest and Daniel Dominguez

Welcome to Episode 148

This week's show may feel a little different as we once again attempt to use the "live call in" feature of Riverside FM. We're still figuring it out but are loving the fact that we're able to get our listeners more involved with the show. It's not something that we'll utilize weekly, at least not yet. But it definitely adds a little something to the show and keeps things loose which is nice every once in a while. So we cast out a line and caught us one Rob Forrest, first time guest, graphic artist, awesome human being, and creator of our  beloved HON logo. We weren't expecting to hear from Rob so it was awesome to finally get to talk to him. Rob stayed on the whole time with us and even reviewed "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar" with us.

We also talked with Daniel Dominguez, friend of the show, ,lead singer for Farooq. Daniel also goes by vxDEDxv and we were happy to talk to him about his upcoming release "Clocked Out", which drops this Monday 3/1/21. Daniel is ridiculously talented so make sure to stick around until the very end to hear "Frontman" which features this guy you might know named S.E. Hudson. No joke: The amount of talent in the Heroes Of Noise Podcast Community alone really is  astounding. 

As for us, we get to talking about the recently announced Superman Reboot coming from Ta-Nehisi Coates and produced by J.J. Abrams, the lazy trend of reboots in general, Dan gives a spoiler free review of the A24 screening of  "Minari" and more. 

We hope you enjoy this episode and again want to thank you for your continues support. New Patreon episode coming soon! 



Contact Rob Forrest for all your graphic art needs at Forrestgraphics@gmail.com

Reach Rob on Twitter :@ForrestGraphics

Contact Daniel Dominguez on Twitter: @RawkmanGottem

Preorder "Clocked Out" by vxDEDxv now on Bandcamp 

"Clocked Out" will be available everywhere digital music is sold on 3/1/21. Pick it up.

Become A Patreon Patron 

You can help support the show , get exclusive podcast episodes, and get some sweet stuff back in the process by joining us on Patreon 

Click here to find out how.

Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:

Website: www.heroesofnoise.com

Email: HeroesofNoisePodcast@gmail.com

Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise

Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast

Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast

Listen to our other podcast 

The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast

Contact Info:

Email: askthewordpodcast@gmail.com

Twitter: @Word_Podcast

Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic

Facebook: The Word Podcast

Website: www.heroesofnoise.com


Rob Forrest

Forrest Graphics