Bonus Episode: Patreon Episode 24 - Zack Snyder's Justice League SPOILERS

The Ramirez Cut
Welcome to a bonus episode of Heroes of Noise.
This is our longest Patreon episode yet. It may actually be our longest episode period. Definitely top 3. So what you're about to listen to is our spoiler-filled coverage and review of Zack Snyder's Justice League. We're joined by Melissa Sloter from the Wild Pretty Things podcast and Still Great, Bob?: A Mad Men Podcast, Amanda Albers and Quinton Taylor Roberts from The Reel Zodiac podcast, and friend of the show Kevin Mcknight.
There is actually a video that goes with it but that will come later. Much like Justice League there are two versions of this. One is of the entire video conversation. The thing is, there was a ton of crosstalk due to audio/video lag and consequently some of what was said by certain individuals may be hard to hear. But it is the entire conversation and is worth watching just to see Melissa's mind get blown on numerous occasions as she dives head first into the DCEU.
Getting back to the crosstalk, I couldn't let all these wonderful people not get their points out just because I was too lazy to correct it. That's the good thing about recording with multiple tracks. They come in super handy if you want to put in some work. I went in and cleaned it up a bunch so the people could be heard as they were meant to be heard.
So in a way, I guess you can consider this "The Ramirez Cut". I'm currently in talks with HBO Max but more on that later.
This episode is LONGER than the Snyder Cut. Think about that for a second. Thing is we probably could've kept talking for hours. No joke. We had such a great time with our guests and hope to have them back very soon. Thanks to everyone that joined us.
And now, without further ado, please enjoy Patreon Episode 24 - Zack Snyder's Justice League (aka The Ramirez Cut).
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Kevin Mcknight
Shit poster
Black gay atheist from Mississippi. If I were a little person I’d be a minority singularity.
Quinton Roberts
I am a host of a podcast called The Reel Zodiac with my lovely talented friend Amanda.