Nov. 29, 2017

Episode 6 - Where For Art Thou, Danathan?

Episode 6 -  Where For Art Thou, Danathan?

Welcome back! Dan couldn't record this week so Steve, being the Hero that he is, decided to go at it alone. He just wanted to make sure we drop a little something into your feed for the week. What a guy, right? All returns to normal next week and...

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Heroes of Noise

Welcome back! Dan couldn't record this week so Steve, being the Hero that he is, decided to go at it alone. He just wanted to make sure we drop a little something into your feed for the week. What a guy, right?

All returns to normal next week and we'll be making up for lost time. That's the Heroes of Noise Policy in effect right there. For now, please enjoy the golden tones of the one and only Mr Steve Hudson.